Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday the 13th Disasters

Oh what I day yesterday was, you can only imagine. To keep it short I will just give you some bulleted highlights.

1. When I arrived at school one of the little girls was carrying a water bottle that had this dark brown liquid in it and a thick layer of foam on top since she was shaking it up. When I asked the teacher what it was she said that it was Malta Guinness which is an energy drink. If sounds more like beer to me but if it is energy drink who gives a four year old child an energy drink at 7:30 in the morning.
2. One little boy who has never had a notebook of his own, most the little kids do, showed up with his own notebook today. But at the end of the day I was helping him to understand the assignment in his notebook and he started to cry as it was time for me to leave.
3. In the middle of class I looked out the window to see four cows just grazing in the school yard which is probably part of the reason why none of them were paying attention.
4. One of the mean girls, Aisha, decided that she was too good to pee in the hole in the ground in the bathroom so instead she just peed in the middle of the floor.
5. A young boy in the class sat and ate chalk most of the day.
6. I spent an hour and a half doing laundry and hanging it on the line so that they could then burn the trash 25 feet away so now my clothes smell like burned trash.

Overall you could never guess what to expect of the day. But there were some good highlights of the week too.

1. On thursday afternoon I was able to go and see Aura one of my roommates from when I first got here at her hotel. She left the house on Saturday to go to Zanzibar for a couple of days but then returned here Wednesday before flying home on Thursday. It was nice to see her, catch up, and share a bottle of wine before she left.
2. Laying out under the stars at night and just feeling like there is a blanket of them above you. Since there are no street lights anywhere and very few homes have electricity at night you can see millions of stars and it is really beautiful.
3. At a local bar, which is always full of volunteers and tourists, on thursday nights they show movies so we went and enjoyed the outdoor movie. This week they were playing Slumdog Millionaire. They have a large patio area where they set up chairs and a large screen to project the movie on. Sitting there under the stars with the occasional bat swooping infront of the movie screen was a cool experience.


  1. Well, what can one say. The lovely essence of Eau De Smoke, how can they resist. Everyone here is good. Your mom and me went to Circus Oz Friday night, but it doesn't sound anything like what your experiencing.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It sounds like the average boy scout trip
    you have the.....
    -cracked out kid with the red bull from the first gas station stop
    -tenderfoot scout with his new scout book
    -animals that the young scouts throw rocks at instead of learning the merit badge
    -im not even going into latrine manners/rules
    -the scout that eats pop rocks/pop tarts the entire time
    -and don't worry, every piece of clothing smells like smoke on sunday night...

    You have officially been on a Weekend campout.

    Have fun,
