Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Preparing for Departure!

The bags are packed, the shots have been received and I am about to start my grand adventure. I will be leaving Friday January 16th and after 21 hours of flight time I will be arriving at my new home for six weeks. I am not sure what to expect of the community, the volunteer work, the home I am living in, the food, or the weekend excursions but I am ready for the challenge. I don't know how frequently I will have internet access but I hope to post as often as possible. Enjoy the blog and the stories of my travels. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. HEY MAN,
    You are going to have such a rewarding time in Africa. But remember, Laura Peter is just one girl, that means JUST ONE of those Africanized honey bees can pick you up... JUUUUUST KIIIIIIDINNNNNNGGG. Have fun dude!!!
